Heya. Thanks for writing back!
Yes, I didn't expect to be able to call Claire, as you say. The problem is that the game gives me the "call Claire" quest anyway ... and nothing else. I literally can't do anything else. Maybe I've hit the end of my playable content for this version? I have no way to be sure, though.
It's just me, as the MC, wandering around the apartment with nothing to do except a quest I guess I'm not supposed to have? I do have other quests in my list that are open (e.g. going to visit the brother and sister), but when I try to do them, every destination is "closed".
I'm not upset by any of this -- I realize the game is a work in progress -- I just figured you might want to know that there might be a bug happening
I've already started a new game from scratch, and I plan to pass on Claire again (she's got enough issues without making any undead friends, poor thing :-) ). I'll let you know here if the same glitch happens again. Thanks for the entertainment! Best to ya!