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There is an intro, and three phases. The entirety of the song is actually in 3/4, although I toy around with the time signature by mixing in 4/4 elements, such as the drum beat being a 4/4 drum beat, and some notes being in 4/4 against a 3/4 bassline. The segment at 0:46 is meant to represent the courage to face Yuwal. It's the human aspect of having to face this demon, and having the hope to stand against it.  Thanks! :D

I am very curious how a sheet music would look with this "3/4 and 4/4 mix"! And... if you mix in 4/4 elements and 3/4 elements, why not just make the song in 12/8? Doesn't that solve all your problems? Either way, the transition (at least it felt like a transition) was very smooth, so good job :)