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I really like your game. It's true that, as you say, it looks more like an engine prototype than a game, but you've already managed to have a good base to build something great and fun.

Regarding your delivery, I mainly highlight the graphic section. The fact that you have hand-drawn all the tiles and monsters in the game, as well as the character and even the UI controls, brings me a lot of happiness and astonishment.

The graphic style gives the game a lot of personality, and the enemies look very nice and fun. Regarding the gameplay, there's little to comment on since, as you say, this is an initial project with little content. But I like the touch of humor you've given your game with the names of the different items and equipment.

Congratulations on the work and keep drawing! Never lose that personal touch that sets you apart from the rest.


Thank you for leaving the comment! I'm glad you noticed the focus on aesthetic and personality; ideally I would have pushed it more (more varied combat animations, etc.) but between implementing basic systems and getting the game playable there was a major lack of time. Ideally I'd like to flesh this out in the future and set up a proper gameplay loop, but i'm glad you enjoyed what i managed!