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Chapter 2 speeds things up a bit and has better pacing because there is a LOT more story - I learned a lot making Chapter 1. 

Make sure you're studying to get the bonus too, it makes a big difference. :)


I see, I wish I could get a sample of what chapter 2 is like, I have been a paying customer for other itch projects. I shall just power through chapter 1 and see if its worth it to me by the end


I only made this Itch project and the others under my profile. Remember, Itch is like Steam, it's just a marketplace, so being a paying customer on Itch doesn't help me as a developer unless you're buying or supporting my games! 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1!


I understand how it works, but you are saying the gameplay is different in chapter 2, and I am saying I wish I knew how it differs in order to determine if I want to spend my money this way


the leveling process is a little more streamlined and faster in chapter two compared to chapter one and chapter 2 is filled with more scenes and story