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(2 edits)

Thanks. The download certainly works without Steam as I haven't yet added any integrations. On release I'm considering my options for itch - perhaps something like a download key that will work without Steam.

I only mention Steam because I want to build wishlists there, and really I don't get a lot of itch traffic.

Edit - forgot the requirements.
The game should be playable on most recent Windows PCs - best experience is with a dedicated graphics card. A 1080 ti should be plenty to run it at 1080p/60 fps with ultra settings.

What about memory requirements?

I dont actually have a recent PC, and buying a new one is not my priority, money-wise

8 gigs of main Ram should be enough. 4 might be possible too, not sure. 

The lowest quality setting uses half texture size and is synced at half fps too. If you try it please let me know how it works out - or doesn't - for you.