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Glad to help, and not sure what you can do about the audio in that case, but yeah first time I've encountered this sort of thing while streaming a game. At least it worked this time :P (my guess is it has to do with lower system resources/responsiveness, and my laptop happened to be in slightly better shape this week? it's getting a little old at this point, and the CPU certainly needs repasted... again... Although the fact that the desktop version had it even worse is kinda weird.)

Also worth noting: The fullscreening method of the web version leaves something to be desired compared to the other more common results out there. I guess it should ideally at least be centered, if not scaled, rather than put in the top-corner, although maybe this is somewhat less meaningful for those who aren't streaming...

But Electric Organ is actually one of my favorites from this year, just this morning was again thinking about how "mechanically mature" it feels despite being a 7DRL.