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Great concept and mechanics. I felt like the gameplay was smooth while playing. Some feedback:

  • Graphics could be more clear. Wasn't intuitive on which side is bouncy.
  • Some sort of tutorial would upgrade the experience. The mechanic is easy enough to not need it but you can never go wrong with a quick tutorial.
  • More variety in the levels. The first 3 levels were basically the same.

Hey! Thanks for the great feedback, this game was so rushed after wanting to get it within 3 hours that honestly I just wrote it off mentally as a joke or just 'bad', so thanks again for taking the time to outline its many flaws and give me something to take away from it! 

I agree with your points, most of them definitely being a time management issue where I was unable to include the art and variety in levels I wanted (Originally planning for 2+ bouncers and colours in a single level). I intended for the first level to be a 'show not tell' tutorial where you couldn't fail, giving you a chance to figure out how to move the bouncer and what that results in, but it seems that didn't translate as well as I hoped.