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they don't got to program shit, all those porn games are made using game maker app or something similar, also you're telling me to get a life as if you don't play porn games too 


bro, just stop, if you want to play a different porn game then go ahead, us in this community like this game, we are patient, we like the game more than you that is for sure, so stop your bs because all your doing is pressuring the developers and making the community angry which all you will get is more anger, the game won't come any quicker if you complain, just wait, we all have a life, we play these games because we love how much effort they put into it, so please just stop complaining  and wait for them to be done, there are porn games out there that are still being updated even though they haven't been update for more than 100 days so go complain to them.


shut up


your only saying that because you know I am right. I won't respond to your next reply so get over it, just relax and do what you said


lmao what, you're not him lil bro


You don't need to program a barebones game, but in order to add new features like an rpg puzzle or anything unique it does take programming. You need to stop being an asshole and learn some stuff.