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Interesting game. Playing doctor and diagnosing people fits theme well and is interesting way you have executed it.

For me (personally) less fun since I am not a fan of reading. But I like how you have presented the stuff makes it enjoyable still.

The music is really nice, enjoying listening it a lot. Is it uploaded somewhere like Sound Cloud?

For the SFX. Some paper sound for the documents would be better imo. Hovering/click sound for UI “Ask Questions” and “Lab Tests” is missing. The sound for the messages is a bit disturbing. Something more soft or even VA would be cooler.

Regarding Controls and Accessibility I don’t faced any issues. Playing the game was clear to me I clicked around everything had good to go hover and click effects and arrangement was fine. The Option button in menu did not work for me, but also don’t needed any options as well. (Chrome on Windows)

The 2D art is pretty good, I have always huge respect about 2D hand painted styles.

Probably my biggest complain as others mentioned is that there are only two patients.

Well done and great team effort here, keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback!  Will upload the music to SoundCloud