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I love this! the hand painted art makes the game feel really physical, and I love the way the story slowly unfolds with the level design, it really reminds me of Gris.

It might be nice if you could work out a way to make what's back/foreground and what is a platform a little clearer.

It would also be cool if you could figure out a way to make the text boxes match the art style more, they're probably the only part of the game I didn't love the look of and they broke the emersion a little bit for me

I tried to work out a way to fly with about 4 playthroughs but couldn't solve the game, I always ended up in the eyeball place... not sure if I made it to the only ending or I just kept getting the bad ending :'(

All in all I loved this experience and rated it highly!


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Yeah you're designed to only loop through being unable to fly. It's somewhat of a sad game about expectation and being built differently.