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I...I...I...have a Hella of a theory to talk

what if..WHAT IF the current Jade we all know and love is not the real Jade?....HEAR ME THE FUCK OUT

Like Arthur think to himself "she isn't the same Jade as I know before" or something like that....SHE disappear completely out of Arthur life like no text no calling no nothing after her parents find out that she has been doing magic stuff behind their back...

MY theory is that Jade was taken by the government got experiments on by them....CRAZY? RIGHTTTT? and...and...(look at script)

And now back to the current time...Jade is overly different from Arthur memory... like...she LIED to him when they finally meet each other again after what is like FOR FUCKING EVER...

Anyway...back to the point why do I have this theory? Because Jade has VIOLATED rules number 5 of the friendship and best friend rules...she LIED to her what so called... best friend?...

Anyway guys... thanks for reading my theory... I'm totally not on an overdose of coke and sugar with some herbs...

crazy isn't it? I used to be crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A room with a bunch of rat. And they ALLLL make me FUCKING CRAZY

P.s she used to date Arthur


bro got them sugar hard