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Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 6! My name's Hythrain, and I'm one of the hosts and streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live on my stream.

So conceptually, this is an amazing idea. Dude has some paralysis demons and needs an inmate, who so happens to shuffle around in a frightening way, to save him. I also like the use of CCTVs. It's like if FNAF used its cameras well, but rather than avoid letting someone get to your location, you're navigating someone there.

However, it's ultimately marred with clunky and awful controls and no automatic listing of what cameras are what codes. As interesting an idea this is, requiring me to write down every single camera code and what room it belongs to outside of the game is more a relic of old school gaming to me. What this game needs is more intuitive controls and a code log that lists all the rooms but not necessarily all the codes. Then when you discover a code, it fills it in. You could even make it that you have to write it yourself, but in that situation you want to ensure the log is front and centre.

My suggestion for controls would be this: use arrow keys/WASD to select each monitor as well as the code log and the map. This only requires left and right keys, leaving up and down for selecting either of the two remaining options on the monitor. If you require filing in the code log yourself, you can also use up and down to move through the list of rooms and then just type in the code. From here, you just type in codes. Finally, when you want to choose a selection, you can use Z for confirm and X for cancel (if using arrow keys. Otherwise, I suggest Enter and Right Shift for WASD). This would feel similar to a lot of other games, making the controls feel more natural.

Hi Hythrain, I'm happy to participate!
Yeah, the controls are a thing that I didn't polish that much. There is a list of Saved Cameras, but it seems that it is not well displayed.

Thank you so much for the feedback!
I'll update the game soon, happy that some people like it :)