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Ohh, very polished!

The parallax is really well done, just like the art and soundscape. All of this in this short amount of time is honestly insane, kudos. The animals look nice, the background does too, and the menu is clean as it should be. Nice!

If I would improve it's maybe adding a UI for the bow to see the progress of how it's drawn, maybe even a target sprite at the cursor position that remains when shooting, so you know where the arrow will land eventually. 

I was going to suggest a scoring system, but then I saw the screenshots and gave it a try again, and it seems the UI partly disappears on ultrawide. Not sure if that's a bug that is high-priority, but UI elements were also cut off a little. 

Overall, a very nice and polished entry with the funny premise that you're gonna go out demolishing an entire forest area just because you ran out of food for Easter :D