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I really enjoy those bouncing cherries and the animal upgrades. I wasn't able to finish it since I got stuck in the floor here after jumping down. I think since I was so fast my hitbox missed the upper surface of the blockand only got caught on the bottom edge.

Thank you so much for your comment! I wasn't expecting anyone to play my game so your comment means a lot! 

What you've encountered in your game is an unfortunate glitch that I don't know how to patch :(
I'm looking towards patching it, of course, but for the moment this glitch will unfortunately stay. If you have any other questions regarding Rizzalations feel free to reply!

Hey no problem. I have recently been enjoying going through and playing random games. I know it can be hard when starting something new, especially when there's a lot of competition.

Besides this bug, the game felt very smooth and playable! I expect so long as people take the elevator at that point in the game, then they won't encounter the bug.

Best of luck in your future endeavors!