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Things I liked:

- I like the idea of molding specialized towers to fight off various enemies. It's a neat concept, and it's brought to life pretty well. I also like that different enemies' colors match up with the colors of the candies that they have the same flavor/toughness as--it's pretty neat.

- Being able to change the theme colors is a small detail, but it's very nice. Gotta love user customization.

Things I didn't like:

- There's a lot of information that I feel should've been presented more clearly. What's the difference between different units? What's a given candy's flavor/toughness? What beats what again? There's a lot of things one has to figure out, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but with how fast the game starts, one doesn't really have any breathing room to learn said things.

- If you lose and return back to the game, the round never starts, and you have to restart the game...

Regardless, good job!