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So, I think the core idea of a card-based investigation game is really neat and the visuals are fantastic. My biggest concern is that it mostly felt like a clicker game to me as the cards/actions you get are either very linear (just upgrade to make the number go up) or weren't useful. (I could take a luck chance to remove one of my cards at one point, but it cost more than investigating so it wasn't worth it) My biggest feedback would be that the tutorials are way too long and spread out. Until the addition of the time mechanic, all the previous tutorials were so easy as to be boring and the heavy dialogue made them feel even longer. Eventually I skipped several tutorials to go straight to a case so I could see the normal gameplay was and I found that much more enjoyable. I think combining a number of tutorials could really help with this, rather than having to investigate-click through several progress bars before a challenge is added. That and a little more versatility to player choices would help keep people playing.


Thank you for playing!

I'm afraid you are hitting a soft spot here... Right now the game is a mix between a card game, a strategy game and a puzzle game. It ends up to be none of those. I like the shape it's taking but I feel like it needs a change somewhere in the core mechanics. I want to experiment a bit more. Giving player more agency is something I want to achive. Thanks for your feedback! ^^


I think you are on the right track and definitely no offense meant or anything. I think the key is figuring out what type of game you want it to be, that way you can lean into that gameplay more. I think that will help slim down the tutorials and give you a better angle on which mechanics are good to work on. I think it could work well for a card, strategy, or puzzle game so it really comes down to what you personally like and have the most ideas for.