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Hey Jashinn! ^^

I'm here with another suggestion for the future.

So, this one is basically what I call the "Enemy Satisfaction System", this is basically to add more realism(?) into the game. And also some HUD suggestions.

Basically the concept is:

3 (or perhaps more depending on the enemy, not counting bosses) pink bars will appear above the enemy's head when they are close to Syahata. The pink bar will decrease by one every single time they inseminate (or impregnate, or both) Syahata.

Once all the pink bars are dissipated, the enemy will be considered "satisfied" and will essentially become non-hostile to Syahata. (Essentially they just either will wander aimlessly without attacking, stand idle, or just sit in some kind of neutral position.)

However, if Syahata exits the room and re-enters, the enemies that were "satisfied" will become hostile again.

I also wonder if whether or not a health bar will also appear above the enemy's heads for player convenience and as an optional setting. (Let's be honest here, we've all had those moments where we feel like an enemy has taken more hits than expected so this would be nice to have.)

Annnnyways, that's all I have for now. (Good luck on V1 and hope you make it on Steam! ^.^/ )


Thanks for the suggestion b( ̄▽ ̄)d