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I understand your points and appreciate your explanation of how you perceive your work. It's important for me to understand your vision and intention behind the content. However, I still have concerns about the intensity of the content in relation to the overall tone of our Game Jam.

I suppose the ideal thing would be to ask all participants for their opinion regarding gore in general. On the other hand, I would suggest that you include several warnings, both prominently in the game and outside of it. Just to ensure that people sensitive to this type of content don't play it by accident. Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for bothering you.

i don't really understand the question of intensity - like i say, i think that everything should always be made as intense as possible, and that that's the only thing that really makes something worthwhile on its own terms.

the content warning seems pretty clear and prominent to me. my current perspective is that as metadata, content warnings belong outside of the thing they refer to, but i'm not entirely certain on that. 

Well, the truth is that I haven't received any complaints about the game, so I'm going to leave it as it is. Sorry for being so harsh, but I was afraid someone would end up traumatized (you have to understand that the way you describe the game, makes it seem like one is about to enter the Deep Web, so it's normal to be a little scared XD), or that would break my... Well, you know what I mean hahaha.

I emphasized the issue of warnings because I saw a few comments mentioning that they didn't expect what they found, so I got a bit worried. Just keep in mind that you're dealing with very specific fetishes, which may not entirely fit the overall tone of the Game Jam. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you had fun making the game for the Jam, and trying out the other games!