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Artstyle looks great, but for some reason I couldn't get the game to respond.

(1 edit)

Oh shoot, how do you mean? Like it loads up and won't accept commands, or does it just not start up at all? 😬

I just downloaded and ran it on my work computer, but this computer has an old integrated graphics card, so it took a minute to load and then another from the title screen to the actual game. If it won't accept commands, alternate buttons are the arrow keys to move, space for lightning, and right click for rain. Oh yeah, and Esc is pause.

Thanks for liking the style and attempting to try it!


I mean I loads it up and the program doesn't respond.  Like I get one of those "(not responding)" messages at the top of the screen and my cursor does that buffer wheel thing.  If you say it worked for you after a minutes I'll try again and see if I can get past the title screen.