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A member registered Dec 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🎥       🫘   🫘   

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Thank you! I didn't even think about scaling the UI. 🤦I'll have to remember that for the future.
I did struggle with the theme, my original idea for how I'd use the theme was a lot different.  I started  needing to trim things as the week progressed, plus I realized my original plan for using the theme wasn't going to be fun. I'd argue that the game ended up fitting the theme ok. The player can choose to keep upgrading or they can go for a high score by using or losing their upgrade points. But yeah, I'd agree that It doesn't fit as well or as obviously as games like TomomancerHaburge Dash or Die!!, & Dementia Wizard

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I've been to that bar! :p There used to be this bar I would go to that had a hair band playing every Friday night. This took me back to that. 🤘

I had fun playing this game. Thank you for adding continues, i was really needing them.

I really like this game, I'm still trying to get through the night.  (I can't even imagine hard mode 😅)

I had trouble telling the difference between the walking sound near the window and the knocking on the door. I also didn't realize that they can both happen at the same time? It's a fun game & I really like the art. It reminds me of old games on 5 inch floppy disks.


How did you get this picture of me?? 

Lol this game kicked my butt. I really like the art 🍔 💖

Phew! I was worried. Thanks for trying again! :D I guess I didn't realize that I needed a throw up a loading screen or something there. I'll remember that for the future. 

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Do you hear a sound effect? After that plays is when it loads into the actual game from the title screen. Try to give it a few and it should load into the game. Please let me know if that works for you. 

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Oh shoot, how do you mean? Like it loads up and won't accept commands, or does it just not start up at all? 😬

I just downloaded and ran it on my work computer, but this computer has an old integrated graphics card, so it took a minute to load and then another from the title screen to the actual game. If it won't accept commands, alternate buttons are the arrow keys to move, space for lightning, and right click for rain. Oh yeah, and Esc is pause.

Thanks for liking the style and attempting to try it!

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Oh that's odd. It lets me download it D: 
Can you try downloading it from here instead?

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Thank you! I appreciate it! It looks like it's running rough D: I'll have to see what i can do about that. Also, I'll need to make it so monsters can't spawn on you. I should also add feedback to the tame option. I'm taking a week break to do a game jam. I should have a new update in about a week or two. Thank you again!