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Apart from the rocks not leaving any way (as already mentioned), I noticed that sometimes the hitboxes of the rocks are larger than they look, which is a bit frustrating and makes it impossible to thread the needle in small passages.

Apart from that, I really liked the game, and although the music is not original, it fits the game well. If you decide to develop this game further, I would suggest adding difficulty settings or sliders for rock- and water density or something to that effect.

Hello LordBowser0, thank you for taking the time to play my game. I recently updated some of the mechanics to make it more likely to have a possible path to the end. Also, yes, I used a 2d polygon collider for the rocks so the hit boxes for them can sometimes be a little off. I will try to find a way to fix that another day!

I appreciate the feedback about the music! I usually tell myself I am not musically inclined (maybe should partner with an audio designer) so i try to pick the best music I can find. Difficulty settings is a good idea!