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I tried diving in without the tutorial--big mistake. A lot of people died that day. After going back to medical school, I still didn't really know what I was doing, and a lot of people still died, but at least I have crushing school loans.

This was a really cool idea, sort of like operation except you have a chance to drain the green fluids when you mess up. I would have liked to have seen a little more level variety, like perhaps needing to reuse the opener tool a few times to get the parasite out, or even multiple parasites in one brain. 

My main criticism is how hard it was to figure out. Once I figured out I needed to pry open a door in the arteries and drag the bug out, it wasn't too hard to do, but I think integrating the tutorial into gameplay would have helped a lot with that. After killing a few patients and then reading the tutorial, I still didn't really understand how the tools worked due to their complexity. Left click + right click + shift + scroll wheel?  Isn't brain surgery is supposed to be easy?!

Nevertheless, still was a fun little game and I laughed out loud a few times while playing. A great first GWJ entry in my book, hope to see you at the next one!

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of my level design either. And I agree the controls were too complicated. Thanks again for playing!