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The idea was good, the idea was THERE. But honestly, the artstyle is a bit all over the place, the controllers are confusing and everything feels slightly rushed. Look, I still think the game has a lot of potential, and it could get better, but the sheer fact that i cant download it because of a Virus warning, and that the web build has no clear controls,  makes it so that the game becomes UNPLAYABLE to me. Sorry, but i didn't like it that much. Maybe you could specify the controllers in the game page? maybe then i could actually give it a try.


that's unfortunate, yea the web build has probably a few problems i didn't make the game thinking about the web build sorry you didn't like it i'll try to take those problems into account for the future. There are controls i made sure they were big enough and shown all the time but it seems the web build in full screen cuts those out i didn't know how to fix it

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey, btw, small little suggestion if you do make a post jam version. Plase specify that THIS KEY is a spacebar in a patch.

I am not a computer expert, but that does not look like a spacebar to me. It looks like the tab key without its letters on top. The rest of the keys are very easy to understand, but the teleport one just isn't.

tl'dr. The controls aren't as blatant as you say they were


true, i'll see what i can think of, i think i remember some games putting a sideways square bracket to denote space maybe i should try it