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ok i a few months(?) tried out the exclusive (and elusive) mobile version! on my phone! i don't trust apple because they release the same s🗿 every f🎉ing new iFoam they release, which is good because there's no iOS version

right off the bat, the game had mobile controls and the mobile settings tab. this allows you to play the game

- as a youtube short

- upside down

- as a mepipe pants (yt shorts option but upside down)

- downside up

so yeah for some reason the game starts upside down (the bottom of the screen is above the volume n power buttons) and you have to change it every time

i deinstalled it because the text disappeared for some reason so

risotto in piece

Macaroni Cornflake II


cause of death: my phone bad i think

yeah that's his name (macaroni c. the first is in the windows save file btw)

summary 4/10 macaroni cornflake sad (his son die)