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Unsure where you'd like this btw (feel free to redirect me elsewhere if I find future bugs), but I've found a bug (unless you removed the scene?) that's actually been in the game for at least 10 versions (since v88 at the very least, probably longer though) and is now still happening on v98; unsure about v99, but I don't see the bugfix above):

At Metris-2, you can <Grab a Drink>, then <Order a Drink>, and while you'll rarely get the "suit" scene (very very rarely; might also be a bug given how rare it is?), you'll only get the scene where you drink the bartender's cum. The original (bad end option) scene where you can <Run Your Mouth> (or not) just never ever triggers no matter how many times you select this route. If you took it out then nvm, just thought I'd point this out as I rather like that scene and assume this is a bug.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for reporting this. Looking into it now!

Update: Confirmed as a bug. It'll be fixed in the next update!