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Damn, I like the graphics and the VFX, you put all the post processing effects ever, hahaha! Did the score meant anything in the end? I managed to get to the end on easy, medium but then I went to hard and those pink broke five of the screens, so I managed to get to the end with just the blue screen but I still got 100% on everything, even though I didn't even reached the end of the level on that blue screen and every other screen just broke. I think splitting your attention between 6 screens is a little too much, especially when you get those pink prompts. The exclamation warning would also block the incoming button too, which was weird. But yeah, other than that I can tell there was a lot of effort put in on the visuals. Good job, thanks for making this game!

I was gonna add a score system based on how well you did on each screen timewise, and your score would affect the quality of the TV's audio and video quality, but I was unable to implement it in the time I had at the end since I had a bunch of key bugfixing to do. I split the screen into 6 screens because I wanted it to be very fast-paced and demanding of your attention, but also because it thematically fit into the TV theme I had (search up TV Testbar). I do agree it can be quite difficult, but I tried to make it so if practice was put in, managing the screens would become easier and more instinctive.

 I do think I made the buttons difficult to see unintentionally. In hindsight, I should've made them luminous and more obvious, with the warning sign being less intrusive. I tried really hard on getting the visuals right because the TV theme was the thing I had put the most effort onto at first while I was still unsure on what the gameplay would be, so I'm happy that you enjoyed the visuals!