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  • mouse tooltips that should be in the background pop up distractingly in the tutorial
  • the tutorial and the building descriptions are a little much to read at first, but it clicks quickly once you start using them
  • not being able to restart sucks
  • not being able to undo an action sucks
  • it's not 100% clear what the difference between a resource and mineral is since the keywords aren't defined, but i could probably guess
  • (take the following with a grain of salt, considering i couldn't get past 400 billion) the game feels unbalanced with how valuable dark matter is and how expensive buildings end up being
    • i would say most buildings seem only to be valuable to use once because power costs keep scaling
    • on unstable planets taking turns is also a risk, so the best method is the simplest - just fusing and selling dark matter
    • by the time i'm done with the dark matter, charging costs more than i make by trying to fuse/convert and sell anything else
    • i didn't enjoy the stability mechanic's randomness
    • i get the feeling there isn't much variation between winning runs other than the way the deck is drawn
  • having a target of 1 trillion was good for keeping me interested

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! Definitely hear you on the overall balance of things re power and goods. I also appreciate the note on the keywords not being clear initially.