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Quite nice horror game, the premise of playing as a photographer RPG-style isn't something I had experimented before and offers plenty of potential collecting photos and helping with puzzle solving then using the photos as a resource. 

Original sprites quite creepy which I guess do fit the theme of the game. Although I would say the dungeon and rooms should look more ruin-like with some more cracks and holes and whatnot.

Speaking of graphics, not sure if a bug but the text font was very tiny when I played (it looks normal-sized in the preview pics here).

Music felt a bit repetitive but otherwise fitting, although considering it's an horror game, some segments with no music may make sense.

Combat felt somewhat basic, just Roach using his kung-fu flurry to one-shot everything except the boss after the sealed door which survived a Fury then went down to another kung-fu flurry while the protagonist kept recharging TP. 

Probably should have a prompt about how to save, took me some time to figure out that was what the torches were for.

The story is the best part, falling into hell and trying to find a way out with your undead kung-fu buddy and collecting memories in the form of photographs. Also even has credits! Great work!

Thanks for your feedback! 

The font issues were *absolutely not* intentional- we're rolling out a hotfix now. Should be fixed by the time Hythrain gets to us, haha.

Combat systems, and tutorialization, are still definitely a WIP. However, the clean and less-than-ruined state of the *yellow* bathhouse is intentional. :)

Thank you again for the kind words, and for playing our game!