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Can't seem to get Willow past 5 of 10 complete. Don't know what I'm supposed to do. Also unsure how to trigger morning sex with characters. Great game though

Hey, the completion fraction is counts CG, outfits, and H-scenes. Have you levelled her character in the character manager (ID icon)? Also to trigger morning sex with characters, you'll have to first ask them to spend the night with you. These can only be done with characters level 5 and up but to have actual morning sex, you'd have to finish their storyline first and unlock their gf mode.

Yeah level 20. Also does Linora have a scene? I have the heart to click but nothing there. Maybe I just need to keep giving gifts or I hit the end without knowing. Both Willow and Lin still 5 of 10 though 

If that's the case then it might be a progression bug. Since 0.05B was when they were first introduced, some of their code might not have been perfectly functional. Each only have 1 chapter, and I think they just have the 1 masturbation scene?