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Most Game Jam games get played for a maximum time for 10 min, I will play a game till I get frustrated. When the game crashed the first time I was getting upset at the game. So I wanted to end it there so the negative feelings of being upset wouldn't interfere with the rating of the game. I had died 3 times and did not no what I did wrong.

I replayed it for 20 min off stream here is my final results. The no sound other then the sound of the flashing lights was not fantastic and a bit jarring this could be improved on in future games. There is no clear indication that someone is talking except for the on screen words. Having a sound bite when the words appear on screen can really help with knowing when I need to know when to pay attention to the words. when the text came up with the how to use the "R" Function it went by too fast and I had to die to reread it. Maybe add a transition screen so it pauses the game when it explains the functionality of the abilities. Also I think it would go well to try to have a screen pop up that says "You will die if you don't stay in the light." this way it won't be confusing.

When I did make a mistake by jumping too much to the left I tried to rewind but because I could not catch the light and the lack of light killed me. The movement is too much I have too much jump for the amount I need and I often overshot the platforms. When I died the game gave me some messages on the bottom "to use R to rewind," or to "keep coming to the light," or "you can do it just one more time." Since the games doesn't allow for any extra wiggle room on the light I kept dying and I felt like I was being punished because I was using the ability.


Tnx, I will response as much as I can to each point.

- It is required to have background music (noted for future update),  but it has more sounds that just the lights, maybe not the best sounds but there are couple more (I even add an ambulance sound, that might need to be a bit less loud, don't u agree?). Sounds need an upgrade, also noted the "typing" sound that make u know when to read.

- The R funcionality clearly needs to be updated, the tutorial, and even the use of the mechanic, but u CAN'T die if u go the dark using it, even u can abuse a bug by just going back, cause once u are going back u do not die. But the mechanic need a clear update.

-  The fact that u die once u are out or u enter the darkness I consider is a mechanic well explained enought, u will for sure die couple times to understand ( others games force u to die couple times vs certain enemys or zones to make u learn something ). Maybe is a tuff way to teach that, but I want it that way on this game. More when I give a hint, forcing players to "follow the light", meanwhile u follow that u will be safe.

- The lack of light do not kill u instantly, it kills u eventualy, only u die if u ENTER a dark zone. If this goes otherway it is a bug that need a fix.

- The movement is not too much, jumps at the end of the game are even kinda close tbh ( not too close to need to force it, but close enought ). But if u think u can overshoot platforms at the end of the game idk what bug was that or how u jump at the end. Maybe the movement needs a bit update to allow u to "charge jumps" allowing u to jump small at first once u are going down, but jump hight when u go up the platforms.

- Once u die the game keeps playing, thats bad, need to be fixed on a future update, so don't follow to missconceptions.

I think I cover it all, I will note the things that need to be fixed or updated / upgraded.

Tnx for ur time :)