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(2 edits)

(1/7/2017 ver)

Got a crash for you this time. Looks like a null-pointer. It happens whenever I get hit by anything, but not when I'm the one attacking.

This was definitely not in the last version. I would have noticed.

Here's the way I found it first: On Turn 1 in the treasure room, do this (doesn't matter who you move, or even what you get hit by, but the golems rarely use their ranged attack so going here is more reliable).

More feedback if/when I manage to beat the treasure room without getting hit.

Edit: I forgot to comment on this change last time... I didn't even know the level cap was that high. Neat. Also: Owie.

Edit 2: I beat the treasure room. Still stuck here, but now the golems and Hermina are both invisible.