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While the style of the game is adorable in more than one sense and the comedy is quite okay (with the exception of the buster sword plant, that was pretty good), it unfortunately lost me by the worm boss fight.

This is due to the game being quite slow up until that point and not really doing anything or grabbing my attention in any way, and the only thing that really kept it going was maybe a slightly interesting plot and the chance of a bust-my-gut joke.
Salt on the wound was the need to restart from the very start of the boss level (which is just unnecessary) and the quite poor hitbox of the worm making dodging his attacks only possible if you hug the shit outta him and hold jump (this is only if there isn't some dodge move that I'm missing, I don't think I missed anything in the tutorial).

So, in conclusion, the art and style carries it, the comedy could be better to make it more worth it, and the gameplay really really needs some spice.
Since it is only an okay game as it is, but filled with potential and the ability to exploit the attention grabbed by its charm.


Thanks for the detailed feedback, we're planning on reworking a lot of things in its final release. I felt the worm boss was relatively balanced as there isn't that much restriction in mobility; you can move away from the worm and if he's closing in you are able to jump over him and move away. That being said hitboxes are an issue right now and I am currently working on improving them. Restarting as well I felt was generally fine as the path to the boss itself is very short and there are no enemies to worry about leading up to it.

We'll be working much more on content and picking up the pace. Thanks for the feedback once again.

(1 edit)

To elaborate, the attacks are just a bit too fast and wide that either doesn't allow for said dodging or doesn't telegram (at least to me) that dodging is possible.

And, you said it best, if the rest of the level is unnotable then, for lack of better words, save me time.