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that sounds annoying as hell lmao

Even reading this gives me pain lol

(1 edit) (+1)

but it's fine cause if they did become canon then most likely this other ship which was a wlw ship would NOT have become canon OR both ships would have to basically fight for attention as they're both queer ships and all that like you get it and no one wants that so I'm like glad it didn't end up canon. The show is also getting a sequel soon so there's still a chance for the ship.

I'm honestly really glad it was the wlw ship that became canon, no matter how sad I am about this ship. They probably had to fight hard to get even one queer ship to be canon, so TWO... yea it's probably not gonna work out.

I just wish they didn't separate them the next season like that. That's probably what hurt the worst not even the fact that they said "I love you" and weren't canon.

I'd also be okay if they revealed that the characters were like aro/ace like they don't HAVE to be a romantic pairing, I'd be okay if they were platonic, but that doesn't change the way they just SEPARATED THEM. That is my biggest problem. Whether they end up being platonic or romantic I'll still forever be annoyed by the separation.

Aw they separated :c

Lol but most of the ships I like aren't canon...

But they just have SO MUCH Chemistry to the point where it feels like the studio/writer/mangaka really wants them to be canon,but can't get past censorship laws 

(Like..alot of the genshin characters are HIGHLY queer coded if you relly look into it,but hoyo is a Chinese company so they can't really make anything canon)

yeah, exactly. Sometimes it's not even that the writer wanted them to be canon, sometimes it's just plain queerbaiting. Getting the money in your pockets from people who ship it and fully believe you will deliver and make the ship canon only for the show to end and oopsies daisies looks like I actually didn't do that, but I still get to keep your money and also not anger homophobes so I get THEIR money TOO! It's a win-win! For me, that is. 

Queer-coding is like... yeah I'm upset they're not canon, but the writer clearly wanted them to be so I can live with it. Queerbaiting just makes you feel stupid and annoyed, like you just can't believe you were tricked into thinking that this writer who only wanted your money would actually make the ship canon...

Accidental queer-coding is yeah I'm upset they're not canon, but damn how did the writer write scenes like this and expect it NOT to sound gay? Like... jeez dude, that is the single gayest line I've heard in my entire life what do you mean you didn't realize until fans started shipping it?? My man, this is gayer than everyone on tumblr combined, what do you mean it was accidental???

i still remember..when Traveller said Thank you to Alhaitham he said "You don't need to thank me,I don't do favours like that."

And when Kaveh said Thank you to Alhaitham, alhaitham pretends to not hear him..twice..and then just goes "..well,they do say that earnest thanks should be said thrice."


And they argue like an old married couple ๐Ÿ˜ญ

And at the end of that event we could hear kaveh be all like "Oh, I'll just buy some extra food to bring back home"

And then when we meet alhaitham and tell him that Kaveh was the one treating us,he says "Well,then I'd expect he packed up the leftovers for me."




And all the more "obvious" queer coding has been showing allooot since they've moved HQ to somewhere else In China idk ABT ๐Ÿ‘€

yeah, queer-coding. The writer clearly intends for them to be a queer couple but like restrictions and whatnot, can't really do that.


And this has been happening wayyy to much since sumeru update,I think they got a lil' warning from the Chinese goverment or something because they've defo toned it down in Fontaine so uh..

Let's hope Mihoyo doesn't get cancelled-