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(1 edit) (+1)

Somehow ended up stuck clipped inside this little corner of geometry.

Overall both portions of the game felt pretty good. Personally I don't totally get the whole price management thing of these shop simulators. In my store, It's just %120 to buy, %80 to sell. I don't play games, and I'm not here to make special exceptions for certain customers.

I have a theory that games should only focus on a primary gameplay experience. Rather than doubling your dev time trying to make a good shop simulator and a good twin stick shooter, just make a great shop sim or shooter. And let someone else make the really good other game. Then players can just play the very best versions of the genre they like.

On the other hand, as a player, I don't  really feel this way. I just want to play fun games, and if I'm having fun in one game before switching to the next I don't really care. And Cult of the Lamb did exactly this and was wildly successful.

Just something I think about, don't have an answer.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I'm sorry about you getting stuck in the geometry. Though as far as I know it's a freak bug with Godot, that occurs very rarely. Will try to remedy if I can.

Regarding the talk about the double genre, I understand where you're coming from. However, I feel confidant that if I combine them well enough it will become better than the sum of its parts, or at least be a unique experience. In the unfortunate event that I can't make the dungeon gameplay worthwhile, I'll do what's necessary.