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(3 edits)

i think it would be cool if the bundle would incldue like 20 games which is cool for 10  (20) dollar, (as from the itching for games bundle the people average paid price was 1.60 for 110 games) and the selection well propably it can only be done through "luck" some "raters" who select it by their personal choice with 1000 games there is proaply no other way to go, but it think it would be a bit unfair to selct them by popularity...rather random selected 20 gaems which get tested if they meet the aimed quality of the bundle they are in .... also i think it could be (maybe) be interesting ig all the 20 games are of a different genre which may seem not fitting at first but it could bring fans of one think to another if its kind of all around easter bunde :)