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(2 edits) (+1)

Writer here! Thank you for the feedback!!

For some of the typos, I absolutely believe that I missed a handful. Editing took a backseat during the timeframe while the content for submission was the priority. 

As far as time period, you're super right! They wouldn't have said things like "okay" or other phrases we use today. In fact, almost nothing of this time period would have been spoken in a dialect we would recognize. In this time period in Scotland, a mixture of French, Scottish tongue (a more German variant of English at the time, like a slightly newer Old English), and early Elizabethan English (Shakespeare) would've been used across all of these scenes. 

Although those above phrases might not have existed in 1565 Scottish lexicon, there were similar variants and expressions that wouldn't make sense (or translate well) in today's English. I chose to focus on mimicking Shakespearean style to drive the theming home instead, which hopefully made for a smoother read!

I hope that helps!

Typos are pesky! I can read over something I've typed five times or more and still miss things, sigh. Understandable you couldn't 'catch 'em all' on a timeframe.

And I absolutely understand about the language, dialect, etc. If I were suddenly dropped into mid 1500s Scotland, I likely wouldn't understand the majority of what was said. (I can't understand even some of today's dialects, lol, sorry Scots :D ) Like I said, the writing was quite good! 'Okay' in any historical use before the late 1800s is just a pet peeve of mine, and other people are perfectly okay with it. I know it's not easy to capture a casual historical feel. :)