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Yeah, kinda. I'm saying I gave up after 5 years because I couldn't achieve a finished game and my projects would often break. It's definitely possible to make games using coppercube, it's just that not many people ever seem to manage to do it.

If you can learn javascript - coppercube will be an amazing game-engine for you! You can do so many things with it.
Without javascript, you will eventually need to learn how to use "varibles" (to control events) and how to make "loops" using the "every few seconds" can be confusing, so you need to learn the basics first (which you are doing).

You can use Sven's plugin for 1st person movement, then child some animated arms/body/legs to the camera. Sketchfab has some decent/free animated 1st person characters.

There are 2 collision types in coppercube:

1- "collide when moved".
Anything that moves (characters, vehicles etc), use the "collide when moved" behaviour. This prevents characters falling through the floor (if "affected by gravity" is enabled - and also prevents them through objects which have "collision" enabled). You can set a colision zone (yellow elipsoid) to set the "size and position" of the collision area, for moving objects.

2- "Static Collision".
Anything that doesn't move (houses, platforms, trees), use the "collision" option (in the object's  properties) to determine if moving objects will collide with it or not. Collision is accurate, based on the 3D mesh of the object which will collide with the yellow elipsoid of any moving object.

If you use the "shoot" action, object-bullets will only collide with anything that has "collision" option enabled - they will shoot through anything that has "collision" option disabled.

*Note: 2 moving objects will not collide with each other (eg: moving characters and vehicles will pass through each other). There is a fix (see this page for a file called "prevent moving objects walking through each other.ccb).

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I downloaded some camera that was 1st person that lets me have sprint I'm sure that's different to svens plugin for first person movement, i hope I can do this movement  and child animated arms body legs, or if I just used 1st person character animated idk cause obviously there is that in the engine already but idk how to put this to characters and stuff bit hard for me to do this all but thx u always a good. idk if i should use unity and buy playmaker or not if i can't do this. nah also i know someone who made all there games with coppercube they have them on here some are popular as well idk what he used i asked him for help himself and he has videos on yt but doesnt help all of it so im sure he dont code to

yo it been a bit g. im actaully wanting to learn coding now to make games, stuff this software maybe idk. i just dont know the best place to learn coding, i want to learn python first as it easier and for smaller games i think right, then c# and then c++, i wanna be able to do well and i know its legit the hardest thing ever done but idk where to learn the best of everything

Hi. Yeah, it really depends on what kind of games you want to create and how much time you can dedicate to learning a language. Python is a solid choice. You can make games using pretty much any language. There are many different languages, you just need to find one that suits your style perfectly - or code your own game-engine or game-template, using a programming language such as python, to suit your exact needs and speed up the game-making process.

Coppercube uses javascript- which is fairly easy to learn. With javascript, you'll definitely be able to make decent games - with or without Coppercube. There are only around 50 API commands to learn in coppercube, to make any game. Out of all those, you'll probably only ever need to use a handful. In theory, it should be much quicker to learn the coppercube API, rather than learning python. Here's the reference - each one has an example of how to use it...

If you've never coded before at all, maybe try LUA. There's a simple/easy-to-learn fantasy-console such as pico-8, to make some fun little games as you learn to use lua with it.

The main frustration will probably be that you'll have all these great game-ideas - but no way to turn them quickly into a game. It takes a lot of time and patience but you can code modular parts/features for you game, then add them all together.

If you get completely stuck with learning to code, you can always try 'unity'. The community plugins help speed things up when making a game - but you can still add code to it yourself as you develop. You can also use visual-scripting in unity - to make complete games in unity without any coding language, just nodes and logic. I've never tried it though...

Really, you can make a good game in any language/engine/SDK - my advice is pick a language you like the look of and stick with it, don't be tempted to often keep changing, join a course to learn the basics, then use it at least 30 minutes every day to make little projects which you can use in your game (such as a health-bar etc.)...

Personally, I don't use any scripting, just 'coppercube's built-in visual-coding and the 'yarnspin' game-engine for simple story-book games.

how do i use the built in code thing  idk thinking if use playmaker on unity if dont wanan code but i wanna try to so

I've never tried unity, I've only used coppercube's built-in none-code visual scripting but it's taken me quite a few years to get good with it. Best if you can learn to code, give it a few years of trying hard - if you really can't learn to code a game, then try playmaker. Soon (within 10 years), you'll be able to use AI to make full games without any coding at all.

super fax bro, excited for the future but will be scary also thx g u a real one, u got like discord or something i can add u on, u just a good guy

Thanks, you're welcome! Good luck for your game, I really hope you're successful. Let me know if you learn to code or if you find some useful software. I'm kinda the same as you, been trying to learn javascript and using coppercube for around 6 years, but sometimes thinking of trying unity/playmaker - but I'm worried that unity may be harder to learn and might have the same problems as coppercube. I did really like game-guru max but it wont work on AMD, only Nvidia - hopefully they'll fix it soon. I think making games should be way easier, I can't find any game-engine that works well for me - they're all too difficult. I don't understand why there isn't even just one simple game-engine in 2024. I really hoe this guy makes this into a game engine one-day...

I don't use discord, steam or social-media any more - but I do check here a few times a day and I still float around on the coppercube forum most days.
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yh for sure g, thx bro u a real one, Keep God first for everything I do, W. for sure g ill let ya know what does happen, my goal is to be rich and happy with myself and bless people and learn more fun things cause why not, maybe make company or pay devs to make big games for me and stuff idk, just want to have the best life possible and not waste time, just isnt easy. i dont have a job and im at home in family home still, im 19 and wanna work for myself, just hard for ideas and what to keep grinding, for now im grinding my youtube isaacplaysdemos, just isnt the best but have an idea of buying video camera and good things and record box opening or reviewing products, my first goal is just to make income at home per day, i just wanna be able to do good, i have health issues that im trying to fix that i hated a decent amount of my life and be able to fix it soon we hope, i will get a part time job prob if works, and spend most money to make more money and invest also like i have a bit already. God Bless u brother, i guess we can just chat on here when we wanna message each other, i wanna be able to teach people to do well in life and make bank, i could also teach a lot of things if i want to, i wanna make everyone so happy and just blessed and thankful, i just wanna be super happy and cry a little, idk why but it makes me happy just helping the people in need, just wanna enjoy it like everyone else, dont give up on your dreams and goals bro, keep going until u succeed, u might have to change the way to succeed at the same thing if it doesnt work, try different things in it i guess, its not easy and im looking at other methods to make money at home to so i can try start that. might make business like have before but had issues, ill start a new type and then prob have 2 business, would be good  if other ways to talk to u g, u really a good guy, love to help out in the future bro, just gotta focus on something daily, is super hard for me because i always know, i feel like i havent done enough. Today i am proud of myself, i didnt do loads of things but i did a good amount in a way, but things just idk man. i hope loads of people do well g, i wanna be able to chat to u for years g and keep be able talk for a long time idc, help ya out or whatever happens. Good luck g,  cya whenever we message next, idc how often we message my g, im always down to talk or anything, somethings wont work and could just feel like waste but idk could move on things or idk other shit, just sounds hard cause u did shit for long time,  just dont feel the vibe of coppercube cause the amount of content and games, i try stick to best stuff like unity unreal and whatever idk but yh, love u g, if u do decide to use anything to chat let me know, im always using stuff my g , in my room a lot all day, my daily plan. Wake up, youtube for a bit, breakfast, then on my pc, edit youtube video, make thumbnail and edit that stuff,  then post it and fix all tags and more stuff but idk about my quality but yh, or sometimes go for my walk first or after. Have lunch and edit and post if havent yet or if have already youtube with lunch, watch videos for now to learn coding, talk to friends and stuff, might watch videos with massive content that is unity playmaker guides even if i dont use yet and why not, i have loads of thought on what i think to do but it just too much. anyways thx g for ya love and keep in contact idc how much we talk. Cya chat next ;)

Sounds like if you could find a job with a film studio, you'd be paid to do what you love and would have access to some like-minded friends and equipment. You could keep doing you own content creation then and it would get better and better as time goes by. You could contact local colleges to see if there are any film groups who are looking for extra hands to help them with their projects. You may get lucky and join a group which is starting out that goes on to becomes famous later on - you could be a part of the whole journey. Always keep something reliable as a base to work on, and take extra opportunities as they come along if you feel up for it or interested. Just please don't join the Military.

prob wont do what u said, i wouldnt join the army