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For the first few tries, I couldn't get into a game level to play- my game was stuck on the scarecrow screen after selecting an option. After multiple reloads I still could not get it to work, But after I full screened it, it seems the dialogue just wasn't loading up in non-full screen on my end (the initial arrow button was there but no dialogue).

This game is challenging for sure! As i played, I was hoping the spiders would stop existing during the day, but I was still chased around in broad daylight lol. One of big tree trunk looking monsters got a genuine startle out of me, lmao.

I wasn't able to get seeds to plant because I suck at games and killing things.

Overall solid game, and good job on your entry!!

Thanks so much for trying it out!

Yes, the UI can be a little finnicky when not in full screen.

I did try killing the spiders at dawn. The problem with that was that many spiders didn't even reach the cabin by dawn. This suggests the spawn points need to be closer to the cabin, but I didn't have time to tinker with that.

Unfortunately there is not always time to balance the difficulty in the context of a jam! I may return to this after the ratings period.