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(6 edits)

This is pretty sadge since not only do I use Odin, but also Amplify Shader Editor and UModeler :( Fortunately UModeler has a free version.

I’m always overwhelmed everytime I try to get into Blender, so a simplified in-engine modeling tool like UModeler is a lot easier for me to try to do 3D art myself in a game jam rather than learning Blender (though I recognize that I should do this).

AmplifyShaderEditor is also in many ways better than Unity’s Shader Graph editor. I’ve seen some weird bugs before with Shader Graph and also it tends to chug when graphs become large. Because of that, I use ASE over Shader Graph on a day to day basis and I’m much more familiar with it.

Thanks so much for the NaughtyAttributes recommendation! Will give that a shot.

Hope in the future this can be re-evaluated. If it’s about policing AI content, it’s not as though the majority of those tools need to be included in the Git repo anyway.