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Im working on a game along side someone and we are planning on making our game's primary features in different phases, right now we are comming up with ideas into how our items system should work and how you could costumize them, while the core points of the game are defined we still dont know specifics as for example I restructured the whole idea of the items like 4 days ago and only when this first prototype is done will I know if its truly a good idea.

The game, in short will be a top down 2D multiplayer game with features of survival and rouguelite, similar to "streets of rougue" if you want a reference
Even tough you preefer projects that would take a few weeks to make, this one would take at least a year to make, but since we are making this game like this (primary features, per 1/2 months) I feel like we could work together, at least, for this first part :)

If you wanna know more about the game we are making I suggest contacting me on discord: besteres