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Here's the coin locations (SPOILERS! Only read if you're stuck!):

  1. Room 3, the one with two bluebirds and two lionesses. Near the end of the level, on top of a platform.
  2. Room 4, near the start. It is hidden behind a bush up top.
  3. Room 4, near the end. Like coin 1, it requires some platforming, but there is also a bluebird "guarding" it. Just shoot her down and you'd be good.
  4. Room 5, under the platform the bluebird is above. There's a fake wall with the coin hidden inside!
  5. Room 6, upper left. A bull is "guarding" the coin.
  6. Room 6, upper right this time. High up, to the right of a bluebird.
  7. Room 6, at the bottom. It involves a fake wall, but the coin is easily accessible due to there being a "window" there.
  8. Room 7, near the beginning, behind a rock. Requires air jumping to access it.
  9. Room 8, upper section, between two bluebirds. This was really well-hidden, as while it's behind another fake wall, there's no "window" there. The only hint is a fern clipping through it.
  10. Room 9, in the middle, behind a tree. Unlike the other coins hidden behind the scenery, this coin is peeking out a little!