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I'm well into my second time reading this story, and love it so much!

I am trying to get into twine and am very confused about it, and this is a work of art!
Do you think you could share some tips or pointers on anything?

I'm sorry for the late response. I generally Google whatever I'm trying to figure out, understanding comes slowly but I encourage you not to give up! I used these two most:

Idrelle Games (author of Wayfarer) has a few nice tutorials here.

Hi-Ev's guide has useful information as well, found here.

The Twine documentation might feel intimidating at first, but you'll understand it the more you learn. I wish you luck and the best!


Thank you!

I have actually read Wayfarer before, I didn’t even think to look for a tutorial, thanks for the heads up!

I really loved this story, and have read it 3 times already XD.

I just love the backstory and the level of detail to the story even without sight in incredible. I even feel the stress of needing to put the blindfold back on so we don’t get caught! Like in the beginning, walking back to town with the constructs head on my bag, I kept yelling ‘put the blindfold on!’ thinking the thing watching us would find me out XD

Can’t wait for the next update!