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I know I already wrote a review but I want to comment it here too!

The game was awesome! I had a blast playing it! Here are some of my honest opinions about this game: The game excels in its story writing, and some of the fourth-wall breaks got me a few times. The occasional moving pictures were done really well, but I would've loved it more if there was a Gallery button where you can see all the moving & non-moving pictures!

Some of my nitpicks are that around the ending sequence where you were chased by IT, I didn't like how tedious the process was to keep repicking the move left, move back and move right options since it's just trial and error until you get to the end. But maybe it was intentional since it's to show how much the cat will go just to pursue you though...

The mirror maze was something that has something similar going on but you could pick the difficulty so I had no problem with it!

All in all, the game was still fantastic and I really love the message at the end talking about the toxic and abusive relationship that happens in life, because that was something I didn't expect in this game and thought it's just the cat killing you in different ways :)

Hopefully you make more games soon! Be it cat-themed or not~

Thank you so much for the constructive criticism!

I'm glad the difficulty level for the maze game helped it up! Maybe the endgame chase sequence could've been more interesting if I randomized the order of the dodge buttons to add more tension. I'll have to think of that if I make a game like this again, it could be fun!

I'm also glad you liked the story and its ending. The ending in particular really means a lot to me, so I'm glad it resonated with you too! 

Thank you for giving the game a try and playing all the way through! I appreciate it!