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Thanks a lot, mate!

Yeah, the hamsters are tough, but that's what the hint mode is for. Think of trying to find them without the hint mode as something like a hardcore plus mode in some games or something. And always keep in mind: Android players have it even worse. (Unless you're an Android player yourself; in that case you're kinda f'd :P)


The thought never occurred to me about Hamster hunting for Android users. Now that I think of it, some of the spots are rather devilish for Android lol. Hints are definitely a saving grace for them especially

Yeah, I've gotten the odd complaint about it before lol


Yeah, I'm an Android user. Thankfully the back button exists, or else I wouldn't be able to brag any my full hamster collection

With the second-to-latest update (v0.31.1), there is a button to unlock all hamsters for Android players, seeing as it's really tough to find and click some of those buggers. You can find the button in the in-game phone hamster gallery. :)