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Why Regina, why?

Is this a boss battle? and i can't wait for this update, keep it up!


Yes, you will encounter this boss battle after meeting certain conditions.

Is this in a future update or current content?

A 🧐🍸

the unique way to win a spammer, is spamming too xdxdxd


Yes, but can you dodge discount waterfowl dance(Elden Ring Malenia's attack if you don't know)? Or any sword attack that will one shot you at health upgrade 1.

You said that your new sequel would be a Soul-like game. Is this part of that plan?


It's more of a test for how interesting I can make boss AI. It will be helpful for CB remake when making enemies.

You will fight them in the sequel as well. But making her in this game is to tie it to Magic Ring.