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I won’t be replaying because I felt like it was my ending? Does that make sense? Anyway, I just wanted to answer your questions!

  1. Did believing you could play this only once impact how you made decisions? Yes, I think it did. I believe my answers are more true to myself because of it. I usually play games like this with the character or the plot in mind. I guess in order to possibly feel satisfied with whatever ending I’d get, I answered like how I would if I turned into SAL…?

  2. What do SAL and Ash look like in your mind? Did you mentally assign a gender to either or both characters? I couldn’t imagine a gender for SAL but I did imagine a robotic female voice. Ash was non-binary with shoulder length wavy dark brown hair but it was loosely tied up. Ash also had brown eyes that just felt warm and cozy. Also imagined Ash would have some rings and a few freckles.

  3. What choices did you make? How did your game end? SAL was worried about not being able to meet Ash’s emotional needs. Ash was able to convince SAL that they felt that way too and they both said that they didn’t want to lose each other and that they both held each other in high regard even if they were fundamentally different. They decided to take things slow and really communicate so that they can both work to stay together. wipes away a tear for being proud of SAL

  4. What did you like and dislike about this game? SAL’s internal monologue was honestly very human to me. I kind of like that. I’ll put this under dislike but I don’t actually dislike it HAHA I just feel called out. So earlier I said I ended up choosing answers that are true to myself right? I’m a dismissive avoidant. I’m really trying to improve so I can have a healthy attachment style. SAL’s fears resonated with me. In the past, I’ve been scared with the same fears SAL had. I didn’t voice out my fears though and just got overwhelmed and decided for the both of us that it’s better if I ran away. I usually end up deciding for them that they should be with someone else. Ash’s words really got to me. I wish I could find an Ash

  5. How did this game make you feel? My answer here is related to my answer to the 4th question HAHA. I felt called out in a good way. It also gave me a little hope. Maybe I can get over the fears like SAL in my play-through. Maybe there’s an Ash out there for me too.

  6. Do you want to see these characters again? What would you want to see in a follow-up? Yes, I would! I’d like to see how they support each other when things do get rough as they progress along their relationship. Or maybe Ash’s POV.

  7. What predictions do you have for SAL and Ash’s relationship? Where do you see it going? I think it’ll actually go well if they do remain honest with how they communicate and if they continue to cherish each other.

  8. Any other things you want to mention? Nothing really, just thanks for letting me experience this I really enjoyed it!


MY HEART OMGGGG!  Thank you so much for this feedback.  I hope you can find an Ash someday too.  All the best to you! <3

Thank you!! 🥺