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I commend you for having a Trypophobia filter, however two things: worms in hole in face do not hide with Trypophobia and that is 100% triggering, and 2 maybe don't have a Trypophobia triggering image on your game page on The game is great that's just feedback on the Trypophobia filter. If you are going to have it, please commit.

My bad, I will fix it.

Holy cow! That was such a speedy response! Amazing! Great job ^_^

Hi! I just upload the new version with the worms now hide too, I'm sorry for my ignorance about that, let me know if I missed anything else.

That is wonderful, I haven't noticed anything else. This is the quickest I have ever seen a dev respond!!

I came here to specifically see if this was mentioned! Ive been wanting to play this game but knew it featured tryphobia which i cant handle so its nice to know i can turn it off. but im glad someone mentioned the worms as well casue while not as bad they are still slightly a trigger thank you so much for listening and fixing it so i can hide that as well i will definitly buy the game now!