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I really enjoyed this game. Took me a while to get the hang of, and it's definitely one of those games you have to play once and get wrong the first time before you can fully embrace the thinking elements. A few feedback points:

  • I'd prefer a comma between the big money numbers and the small ones, or possibly just a B instead of the small numbers. Not unreadable, just looks awkward to me.
  • There's currently no way to cancel a building or other action if you get halfway in and realize you don't want to do it. Less of an issue the more you understand the minor details of the game.
  • It seems like a good idea to depart at 60% stability. If this is your intended strategy, I'd recommend dropping by increments of 10% so the game lasts longer and the player ponders the risk a bit more

No stability issues. I  maximized the window at first launch.

Thanks for playing the game and for the feedback! Cancelling a building selection seems to be the running theme of this playtest. Definitely appreciate the thoughts on money amounts and stability as well.