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I am so incredibly happy to see another developer submitting an NTR themed game! This has not happened in the 5 years I've been participating in Strawberry Jams! There have been a few NTR-adjacent submissions over the years, but nothing explicitly focused on that theme.

The demo does a good job of showing the core mechanics and tone of the story. I like how the split party mechanic is implemented, though I would like a bit more control over it at times since my pairs ended up getting separated the same way too many times. There is a bit too much backtracking, I suggest always putting the missing characters in an area that isn't too far away but hasn't been explored yet which will incentivize exploration. You can also give a direction clue on the map to suggest where players should start searching. The map should indicate places where you got swept away by a snowstorm so that players won't have to rely too much on our poor memory. There is a visual bug where the map can be generated in a way that it runs off of the screen.

The music track fits the atmosphere, and the sprites are pleasant. Seeing the party visually following the player always feels good to me in RPG games. I like how the weather changes in each area, it's a flavorful little detail. The dialogue is fairly brief, but I got a good sense of each character. Self-insert protagonists in NTR games are common, so having him be renamable is a perfectly valid choice, but I think he should have a default name that isn't "Player". The menus don't do much yet, but I always liked them in NTR games as a way to tease a bit about what's happening with your companions.

I hope that you continue working on this project. You've definitely got me interested in seeing more!


Thanks so much for the feedback! Having NTR themes is something I've been wanting to do myself after seeing how rare they are in the jams.

I was worried about the backtracking being an issue in the demo. I wanted to limit the location of your missing party members to explored rooms, like you suggested, but I found some bugs with the save data that I couldn't fix in time, so I scrapped that feature for the submission. Marking wrong exits is a good idea too! I'll add that for the next update.

I was planning to have the weather changes affect the game too, like forcing the player to rest if the snowstorm is too strong, but coding a day-night cycle was too much for the time left for the jam.

I should have come up with a default name, good point there. I'm still debating how much of a self-insert the player should be and how much dialogue the player gets.


If you like that the hero represents the player, than having no dialogue is perfectly fine. Outspoken protagonists are a stylistic choice, but a default name is very good to have.

For picking rooms I meant unexplored ones that are close to the explored sections. This removes the need to backtrack since you know that the place they'll appear will be somewhere new. It also moves the game along a bit more so that players aren't just "farming scenes" by walking into snow all the time. I've always tried my best to link scene progression to game progression in my own projects so as not to incentivize that sort of play style.

Weather changes sound neat, I'm excited to see more of this game as it continue to grow!