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Ooookay, I went ahead and inspected this more and found another bug in the Linux version. You’re right, the speed was way too fast on that version compared to the others (could be an OS thing). I updated the executables for both Windows and Linux as I did with Web. Now if you were running this on Windows, then I’m not really sure what the issue is. I tried playing the game on both my Windows machines and found no problems.

Also, with regards to having to start the page over again if you fail anywhere… that’s unfortunately the only functioning mechanic I was able to come up with in the short amount of time I had. Could be a good opportunity for an update in the future, though.

Anywho, I do overall apologize for the inconveniences. I’m trying real hard here to squander any playability issues that I missed before submissions ended (again, I only exported what I had while the jam was still active).

Hope you understand.